Moving mountains.

We bring underserved youth to the mountains for the day.

Girls United's “Learn to Ride” Snowboard program removes all barriers to accessing boardsports by providing girls with everything they need to experience a day on the mountain at absolutely no cost. New skills gained through board sport progression, confidence-building, and resilience are directly applied to everyday life. The grit it takes to learn this sport challenges girls to step out of their comfort zone – both on and off their board.

We want to provide opportunity and equality.

Girls United is a positive youth development program that focuses on providing opportunities for girls to build confidence and grow as leaders through boardsports. We partner with social service agencies, foster care programs, and schools in local communities to engage youth participants. All gear and services necessary to enjoy boardsports are provided to the youth at no cost. Thanks to our community partner at Boreal Woodward, Tahoe.

Our programs recognize there is little to no opportunity for lower-income families to experience a day on the slopes. It is our mission to provide a life-changing experience for the girls, even if it is just for one day.